The director of nursing at the Hospital Verge Cinta in Tortosa leads the 45,000 nurses who work in Catalonia

The Council of Associations of Nurses of Catalonia (CCIIC) has appointed its new dean, a position that goes to Estrella Martínez, current director of nursing at the Hospital Verge de la Cinta in Tortosa.

Martínez is in charge of the more than 45,000 nurses working in Catalonia, after the CCIIC approved the rotating nature of the position – between the four schools in Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona – and for a period of two years, being the first dean of Terres de l’Ebre (CODITA), since the constitution of the Council in 1983.

Estrella Martínez holds a PhD in Nursing, a Master’s Degree in Nursing Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Nursing Care Management. She has been an Emergency Nurse, Emergency Supervisor and Assistant in HR and Nursing Development at the Hospital Verge de la Cinta in Tortosa, where she is currently the Director of Nursing. Associate Professor at the Rovira Virgili University (URV) on the Terres de l’Ebre Campus, since 2012, she has been a member of the Board of the Official College of Nurses of Tarragona (CODITA). In addition, he is part of the National Triage Group of the SEMES (Sociedad Españolade Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias).


Estrella Martínez Segura, dean

Cristina Montero Parés, vice dean

Miquel Àngel Calderó Solé, secretary

Núria Fabrellas Padrés, treasurer

Alícia Rey Miguel, counselor nat.

Lluïsa Brull Gisbert, counselor nat.

Mercè Porté Llotge, counselor nat.

Paola Galbany Estragués, counselor nat.

Enric Mateo Viladomat, counselor.

Gerard Mora López, counselor.

Glòria Jodar Solà, counselor.

Montserrat Duch Clavé, counselor.

Miquel Perea García, counselor.

Natàlia Ventura Taberner, counselor.

Noemí Obregón Gutiérrez, counselor.

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