The CCIIC welcomes advances in nursing prescribing for wounds treatment, although it considers the drugs included in the Guide to be insufficient.

The Resolution of the General Directorate of Public Health, which validates the “Guide for the indication, use and authorization of dispensing of medicines subject to medical prescription by nurses of: Wounds”, included in the BOE of 29 October, does not collect all the medicines proposed by the Commission of Experts of the Council of Colleges of Nurses of Catalonia.

Catalan schools are advocating for an extension of the chapter on medicines that guarantees the autonomy of nursing care in dealing with chronic wounds and pressure ulcers.

The Council of Associations of Nurses of Catalonia (CCIIC) has gladly received from the Ministry of Health, on the validation of the “Guide for the indication, use and authorization of dispensing of medicines subject to medical prescription by the nurses of: Wounds », to proposal of the Permanent Commission of Pharmacy of the Interterritorial Council of National System of Health and collected in BOE of the past 29 October. A “great breakthrough for the profession” according to the highest representation of Catalan nursing, which, after years of struggle, sees materialized a historical claim such as the competence of nursing prescription.

However, the Council regrets that the dispensing protocol is been “cut” as far as drugs subject to indication are concerned and that not all medicines proposed by the CCIIC Committee of Experts have been included. The treatment of chronic wounds and pressure ulcers (PPU) is one of the areas of expertise in nursing care. Our knowledge is based on scientific evidence and we are well versed in the techniques and resources for its management. It doesn’t make sense to ignore drugs that we use regularly and that we know are essential to improve the quality of life of our patients, “said sources from the school organization.

Therefore, with the desire that the Ministry can contemplate an expansion of the list of medicines subject to prescription, “the nurses of the schools of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona are waiting for the adaptation of the Guide to the Catalan framework, to be able to start exercising this competence ”.

Photo ©Banc Imatges Infermeres Autors- Ariadna Creus i Àngel García

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